Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

Our Mission

Unblurred is a platform which raise local and national level issues of India. The voice that are usually suppressed by power, uppercast, corrupt media, money or threats or by several other legal corruptions which are very common in INDIA. Unblurred is the voice of suppressed and work as one of many mediums to ask questions and deliver messages of common people to the Authority in power of this unique, beautiful, culture rich, secular, democratic country INDIA.

Currently Unblurred is developed and managed by me single handedly, but prevously I decided to make it more public contributed by volunteers all around India. But giving access to write articles to public seems very vulnerable, insecure and unhealthy in terms of information quality as of now. But soon I will make it 100% volunteer supported when I will getting more traffic and feedback in the future.
Jai Hind.